About the CPS

CityLink Psychological Servic

CityLink Psychological Services office is located in New York City and in the heart of beautiful historic Brooklyn Heights.  It is in the One Pierrepont Plaza 19-story building with parking, located at 300 Cadman Plaza West between Pierrepont and Tillary Street.  Our elegantly decorated office has a large window with a beautiful view of the iconic lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty.  It offers a professional, tranquilizing, and secure space for patients seeking her specialized services. 

We provide personal and comprehensive psychotherapy and psychometric assessment to children, adults, couples, and families. We are highly dedicated and extensively trained psychologists, specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy and behavioral medicine and understanding the connections between thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Currently, we are accepting only Cigna and Empire-HealthPlus health insurance plans.  Other health insurance plans can be reimbursed through out-of-network coverage, ranging from 50-80% of medical expenses.  Various payment methods (i.e., credit cards, check, cash, and Paypal) are accepted.  Weekday and flexible office hours are available or By Appointment.

Give us a call today and discuss your treatment plans and options!


n Heights.  It is in the One Pierrepont Plaza 19-story building with parking, located at 300 Cadman Plaza West between Pierrepont and Tillary Street.  Our elegantly decorated office has a large window with a beautiful view of the iconic lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty.  It offers a professional, tranquilizing, and secure space for patients seeking her specialized services. 

We provide personal and comprehensive psychotherapy and psychometric assessment to children, adults, couples, and families. We are highly dedicated and extensively trained psychologists, specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy and behavioral medicine and understanding the connections between thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Currently, we are accepting only Cigna and Empire-HealthPlus health insurance plans.  Other health insurance plans can be reimbursed through out-of-network coverage, ranging from 50-80% of medical expenses.  Various payment methods (i.e., credit cards, check, cash, and Paypal) are accepted.  Weekday and flexible office hours are available or By Appointment.

Give us a call today and discuss your treatment plans and options!

CityLink Psychological Services office is located in New York City and in the heart of beautiful historic Brooklyn Heights.  It is in the One Pierrepont Plaza 19-story building with parking, located at 300 Cadman Plaza West between Pierrepont and Tillary Street.  Our elegantly decorated office has a large window with a beautiful view of the iconic lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty.  It offers a professional, tranquilizing, and secure space for patients seeking her specialized services. 

We provide personal and comprehensive psychotherapy and psychometric assessment to children, adults, couples, and families. We are highly dedicated and extensively trained psychologists, specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy and behavioral medicine and understanding the connections between thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Currently, we are accepting only Cigna and Empire-HealthPlus health insurance plans.  Other health insurance plans can be reimbursed through out-of-network coverage, ranging from 50-80% of medical expenses.  Various payment methods (i.e., credit cards, check, cash, and Paypal) are accepted.  Weekday and flexible office hours are available or By Appointment.

Give us a call today and discuss your treatment plans and options!